A hydrogenation reaction is carried out at 500 K. If the same reaction is carried out in presence of a catalyst at the same rate, the temperature required is 400 K. The activation energy of the reaction, if the catalyst lowers the activation energy barrier by 20 kJ mol1 is ............ ×102kJmol1.Solution in Malayalam

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The correct Answer is:1

Let Ea and E.a be the energy of activation in presence and absence of catalyst for hydrogenation reaction, then K=AeEa/RT
In presence of catalyst : K1=AeEa/(R×500), In absence of catalyst : K2=AeE+a/(R×400)
Given , the two rates are same, i.e., r1=r2,K1=K2
Therefore, eEa/(R×500)=eEa/(R×400) or EaR×400=E.aR×400
EaE.a=20 or Ea500=Ea20400Ea.R×400Ea=100kJmol1


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