A word arrangement machine when rearrange a given particular input it following a particular rule.
The following is illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement
Input : sui me ato fe zen u no
Step I : sui ato zen no me fe u
Step II : u fe me no zen ato sui
Step III : u me zen sui fe no ato
Spet IV : ato no fe zen u no sui me and so on
If input is ''Say not you are only wise yet'' then which step would read as'' are Say only not wise you yet ?
(1) III
(2) XI
(3) IX
(4) VII
The correct Answer is:C
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Word arrangement machine when given a particulars input rearrangement it following a particular rule. The following is illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement
Input : sui me ato fe zen U no
Step I : Sui ati zen no me fe U
Step II : U fe me no zen ati Sui
Step III : U me zen Sui fe no ato
Step IV ato no fe Sui zen me U
Step V : ato fe zen U no Sui me and so on . . . . . .
If input is ''Say not you are only wise yet'' then which Step would read as'' are Say only wise you yet ?01:28View SolutionIn the following questions @ , # , %, * and $ are used according to following meaning :-
P∘Q' means, 'P is not smaller than Q'.
'P#Q' means, 'P is not greater than Q'.
'P%Q means , 'P is neither greater nor equal to Q'.
'P∗Q' means, 'P is neither smaller nor greater than Q'.
'P$Q' means, 'P is a neither smaller nor equal to Q'.
Now according to the following statements if they are true, judge their conclusion (I), (II) and (III) follow definiately true.
Statement : M % R, R # T, T * N
Conclusions : I. N @ R II. N $ R III. N $ M02:35View SolutionRavi is eighteenth from left and nineteenth from right in a row. How many students are their in the row?
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Fe+CuSO4⇔FeSO4+Cu (T=25∘C)
दिया है -
EO.P.(Fe/Fe2+)=+0.44 वोल्ट ,
ER.P.(Cu/Cu2+)=−0.337 वोल्ट04:44View Solutionरासायनिक अभिक्रियाओं के आधार पर निम्नलिखित धातुओं की विधुत - रासायनिक श्रेणी का निर्माण करो ।
(i) A+H2SO4→ASO4+H2
(ii) C+ACl2→CCl2+A
(iii) C+ECl2→ अभिक्रिया नहीं होती
(iv) D+2BCl→DCl2+2B
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E∘Fe3+/Fe2+=0.771V तथा EBr2/Br−=1.09V09:10View Solutionनिम्नलिखित अभिक्रिया का साम्य स्थिरांक ज्ञात करो |
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