Spot the error
He likes to read a poetry in the evening and smoke the cigarrets with the cup of coffee.
He likes to read poetry in the evening and smoke a cigarette with a cup of coffee.
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View SolutionYou have read about Coorg, its rainforests, and coffee and tea from Assam in 'Glimpses of India' (First Flight, Class X texbook, NCERT).The following extract is about the cultivation of coffee in Araku valley in Andhra Pradesh. The story of Araku Valley traverses an unusual trajectory through Adivasi empowerment hot-air balloons and some of the best coffee in the world .
Read the passage given below and answer the questions.
Located at about 1,200m above sea level, the valley, tucked away in the north-eastern corner of Andhra Pradesh, shares a border with Odisha. For guests and participants at the Araku Balloon Festival (ABF), held between 18-20 January every year, this is sightseeing like nothing else.
The drive to far-flung coffee estates takes us through the five northern mandals of Anantha giri, Dumbriguda, Hukumpeta, Munchingi Puttu and Araku valley . The name Araku for the coffee was chosen simply because it sounded poetic . The view from the ground level is as impressive as the one from above -the landscape changes from densely forested hills to sweeping valleys and terrace farms surrounding occasional village clusters. The journey of Araku Coffee from a livelihood initiative by the Naandi Foundation to a globally appreciated product has been in the making for over a decade. It is also intrinsically tied to the history of how coffee arrived in this valley . It was a British civil servant, N.S. Brodie, who introduced coffee to these hill tracts in 1898.
Today, Araku coffee is a brand that words with 517 villages and 10,986 farmers, all of whom are estate owners and entrepreneurs with a stake in the business.
The reason the coffee is of such high quality is that it follows the best practices of bio-dynamic farming by creating an interconnected and symbiotic ecosystem.
The soil is enriched through composting and a variety of shade trees are planted, including cash-yielding fruit trees like mango and jackfruit. Terroirs are assessed and careful standard operating procedures are put in place from "sapling to savouring", which ensures healthier plants and sweeter cherries and eventually a far superior coffee aroma and flavour.
Q3. Answer the following question
(e) There are specific being used in the passage for the cultivation of coffee for example, terrace farms, biodynamic farming, etc. Find more such terms and their meanings .
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Knowledge Check
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer.
We had a long discussion at a cup of coffee.AA) We hadBB) of coffeeCC) at a cupDD) a long discussionIn the given sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error. In the evening he likes to read books and articles that have nothing to do of his work. (a) do of his work (b) In the evening he likes (c) that have nothing to (d) to read books and articles
Ado of his workBIn the evening he likesCthat have nothing toDto read books and articlesIn these questions, the 1st and The last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
1. The head of the family returned home from office.
P. Wife told that there was no coffee powder.
Q. Wife again told that there was no milk either.
R. Husband wanted atleast a cup of tea.
S. He wanted a cup of coffee.
6. Husband told finally that a glass of water was enough.ASQRPBSPRQCQSRPDRPSQ
You have read about Coorg, its rainforests, and coffee and tea from Assam in 'Glimpses of India' (First Flight, Class X textbook, NCERT). The following extract is about the cultivation of coffee in Araku valley in Andhra Pradesh. The story of Araku Valley traverses an unusual trajectory through Adivasi empowerment, hot-air balloons, and some of the best coffee in the world. Read the passage given below and answer the questions. Located at about 1,200m above sea level, the valley, tucked away in the north-eastern corner of Andhra Pradesh, shares a border with Odisha. For guests and participants at the Araku Balloon Festival (ABF), held between 18-20 January every year, this is sightseeing like nothing else.
The drive to far-flung coffee estates takes us through the five northern mandals of Anantha giri, Dumbriguda, Hukumpeta, Munchingi Puttu, and Araku valley. The name Araku for the coffee was chosen simply because it sounded poetic. The view from the ground level is as impressive as the one from above - the landscape changes from densely forested hills to sweeping valleys and terrace farms surrounding occasional village clusters.
The journey of Araku Coffee from a livelihood initiative by the Naandi Foundation to a globally appreciated product has been in the making for over a decade. It is also intrinsically tied to the history of how coffee arrived in this valley. It was a British civil servant, N.S. Brodie, who introduced coffee to these hill tracts in 1898.
Today, Araku coffee is a brand that works with 517 villages and 10,986 farmers, all of whom are estate owners and entrepreneurs with a stake in the business. The reason the coffee is of such high quality is that it follows the best practices of biodynamic farming by creating an interconnected and symbiotic ecosystem. The soil is enriched through composting and a variety of shade trees are planted, including cash-yielding fruit trees like mango and jackfruit. Terroirs are assessed and careful standard operating procedures are put in place from "sapling to savouring", which ensures healthier plants and sweeter cherries and eventually a far superior coffee aroma and flavour.
Infer the meaning of the following:
Answer the following questions.
There are specific terms being used in the passage for the cultivation of coffee for example, terrace farms, biodynamic farming, etc. Find more such terms and their meanings.
View SolutionRead the passage given below and answer the questions.
Located at about 1,200m above sea level, the valley, tucked away in the north-eastern corner of Andhra Pradesh, shares a border with Odisha. For guests and participants at the Araku Balloon Festival (ABF), held between 18-20 January every year, this sightseeing like nothing else.
The drive to far-flung coffee estates takes us through the five northern mandals of Ananthagiri, Dumbriguda, Hukumpeta, Munchingi Puttu, and Araku valley. The name Araku for the coffee was chosen simply because it sounded poetic. The view from the ground level is as impressive as the one from above - the landscape changes from densely forested hills to sweeping valleys and terrace farms surrounding occasional village clusters. The journey of Araku Coffee from a livelihood initiative by the Naandi Foundation to a globally appreciated product has been in the making for over a decade. It is also intrinsically tied to the history of how coffee arrived in this valley. It was a British civil servant, N.S. Brodie, who introduced coffee to these hill tracts in 1898. Today, Araku coffee is a brand that works with 517 villages and 10,986 farmers, all of whom are estate owners and entrepreneurs with a stake in the business. The reason the coffee is of such high quality is that it follows the best practices of bio-dynamic farming by creating an interconnected and symbiotic ecosystem. The soil is enriched through composting and a variety of shade trees are planted, including cash-yielding fruit trees like mango and jackfruit. Terroirs are assessed and careful standard operating procedures are put in place from "sapling to savouring'', which ensures healthier plants and sweeter cherries and eventually a far superior coffee aroma and flavour.
There are specific terms being used in the passage for the cultivation of coffee for example, terrace farms, biodynamic farming, etc. Find more such terms and their meanings.
View SolutionSpot the error if any in the sentences
The majority likes reading senastional stories and watching western movies.
View SolutionDirections for questions 28–31: Read the passage below and solve the questions based on it.
5% of the passengers do not like coffee, tea and lassi and 10% like all the three, 20% like coffee and tea, 25% like lassi and coffee and 25% like lassi and tea. 55% like coffee, 50% like tea, and 50% like lassi.
The percentage passengers who like at least 2 of the coffee, tea and lassi, is
View SolutionIn each of the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts, read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows the given statements.
I. Some cup are hot.
II. All hot are tea
I. Some tea are cup.
II. All cups are tea.
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