Below in each question are given two statements I and II . these statements may be either independent causes or may be effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement Read both the statement and decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements
Make answer (a) If statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
Make answer (b) if statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
Make answer (c) If both the statement I and II are independent cause
Make answer (d) If both the statement I and II are effects of independent causes.
Mark answer (e) If both the statement I and II are effects of some common cause.
I.The prices of fruits and vegetables fell substantially over the last few days.
II. The quality of fruits and vegetables improved considerably over the last few days.
if statement (A) is the cause and statement (B) is its effect.
if statement (B) is the cause and statement (A) is its effect.
if both the statements (A) & (B) are independent Causes.
if both the statements (A) & (B) are effects of some common cause.
The correct Answer is:D
Reduced price and improved quality of fruits and vegetables may be the effect of some common Cause as the season for those fruits and vegetables because these fruits and vegetables are available with good quality as well as cheap in particular season. So, Both are effect of a common cause.
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कथन I : →a=2→i−3→j+→k और →b=5→i+2→j−4→k परस्पर लंबवत है
कथन II : →a×→b=0
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कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
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