Write short note on mean free path.Solution in Punjabi

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It is the average distance travelled by a gas molecule between two successive collisions.
Expression for mean free path
Consider a gas in a container having n molecule per unit volume. Let d be diameter of molecule A. molecule A will collide with molecules B and C which lies at distance d. IF the molecule moves a distance L, then this molecule makes collisions with all the molecules lying in cylinder of volume πd2L
Total number of collisions suffered =πr2L
Mean free path of a molecule
π=Total distance travellednumber of collisions suffered=Lπrd2Lπ=1πrd2
This relation is derived by assuming that all molecules of the gas except one molecule under consideration are at rest. But ,all molecules are in motion
π=12πd2 As n=NV
So, π=kT2πd2p. This is expression for mean free path
