Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain colour code for carbon resistor by giving example .

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A carbon resistance has usually four rings or bands a , B , C , D of different colours . The colours of first two bands A and B indicate the first two significant figure of the value of resistance in ohm , while the colour of third band C indicates the decimal multiplier .The colour of fourth band D tells the tolerane of the resistance . If the colour of fourth band is silver or gold , then tolerance of the resistance is 10%and5% .
For Example : Let there be a resistor whose bands have the colours as indicate in fig . here Band A is yellow
first significant digit is 4
Band B is Viloet Second significant digit is 7 and Band C is organge , then multiplier is 103 .Tolerance band D is gold tolerance is ±5% .Hence , resistance of given resistor is (47×103±5%) ohm
