1. A film director decided to make a romantic film.
P. A long spell of audition was conducted to find a suitable heroine.
Q. Mr. Mohan Lal was signed as the hero of the film.
R. The director wanted a new face for the heroine of his film.
S. Finally, he selected a young school girl for his film.
6. The film was a box office hit.
The correct Answer is:A
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View SolutionIn the following item, passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and indicate your answer accordingly on the Answer Sheet.
S1 : If you want to film a scene in slow motion you run the camera twice as fast as usual, which sounds ridiculous but isn't.
S6 : On the screen, everything appears at half the speed at which the camera recorded it when it was filmed.
P: If you are filming in slow motion, however, the camera runs at twice the normal speed, yet, in spite of this, the projector which shows the film will be run at the normal speed, and this means that the projector will show the film at half the speed at which it was photographed.
Q : This is because the camera which took the pictures and the projector which shows them run at the same speed.
R: When a film camera is running at normal speed, it takes twenty-four pictures a second.
S: When the film is run through the film- projector in the camera twenty-four pictures a second appear on the screen.
The proper sequence should be :
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Knowledge Check
In the following question the 1.. and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
1. A film director decided to make a romantic film.
P. A long spell of audition was conducted to find a suitable heroine.
Q. A long spell of audition was conducted to find a suitable heroine.
R. The director wanted a new face for the heroine of his film.
S. Finally, he selected a young school girl for his .
6. The film was a box office hit.AQRPSBQPSRCRPSQDRPQSThe candidate must must be over 35 years of age as on 1.6.96.
II. The candidate must be at least a graduate in music.
III. The candidate must have at least one recorded cassette of his or her music.
IV. The candidate must have given music for at least two T.V. serials.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he or she will be selected as a music director. However, if a candidate fulfils all these eriteria except
(a) IV above, his or her case will be referred to the Producer.
(b) I above, his or her case will be referred to the Director.
(c ) II above, but has given music of for some films (feature film only), he or she will be selected as a Music Director.
On the basis of these conditions decide what course of action has to be taken in the case of the following candidates. Give answer.
Manu Srivastava has several cassettes of his music. He has given music in four T.V. serials and three feature films. He is a graduate in music and he is older than Manju Majumdar.Aif the candidate is to be selected as a Music Director.Bif the candidate is not to be selected as a Music Director.Cif his or her case is to be referred to the Producer.Dif his or her case is to be referred to the Director.The candidate must must be over 35 years of age as on 1.6.96.
II. The candidate must be at least a graduate in music.
III. The candidate must have at least one recorded cassette of his or her music.
IV. The candidate must have given music for at least two T.V. serials.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he or she will be selected as a music director. However, if a candidate fulfils all these eriteria except
(a) IV above, his or her case will be referred to the Producer.
(b) I above, his or her case will be referred to the Director.
(c ) II above, but has given music of for some films (feature film only), he or she will be selected as a Music Director.
On the basis of these conditions decide what course of action has to be taken in the case of the following candidates. Give answer.
Mohit Saxena has given music in several T.V. serials. He was born on .8.1969. He is a graduate in music and has recorded ten casettes of his music. He has also given music in five documentary films.Aif the candidate is to be selected as a Music Director.Bif the candidate is not to be selected as a Music Director.Cif his or her case is to be referred to the Producer.Dif his or her case is to be referred to the Director.
The candidate must must be over 35 years of age as on 1.6.96.
II. The candidate must be at least a graduate in music.
III. The candidate must have at least one recorded cassette of his or her music.
IV. The candidate must have given music for at least two T.V. serials.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he or she will be selected as a music director. However, if a candidate fulfils all these eriteria except
(a) IV above, his or her case will be referred to the Producer.
(b) I above, his or her case will be referred to the Director.
(c ) II above, but has given music of for some films (feature film only), he or she will be selected as a Music Director.
On the basis of these conditions decide what course of action has to be taken in the case of the following candidates. Give answer.
Shravan Mohapatra has a graduate degree in music. He is 40 years old. He has not given music in either any T.V. serial or any film. He has recorded some cassettes of his music.
View SolutionThe candidate must must be over 35 years of age as on 1.6.96.
II. The candidate must be at least a graduate in music.
III. The candidate must have at least one recorded cassette of his or her music.
IV. The candidate must have given music for at least two T.V. serials.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he or she will be selected as a music director. However, if a candidate fulfils all these eriteria except
(a) IV above, his or her case will be referred to the Producer.
(b) I above, his or her case will be referred to the Director.
(c ) II above, but has given music of for some films (feature film only), he or she will be selected as a Music Director.
On the basis of these conditions decide what course of action has to be taken in the case of the following candidates. Give answer.
Partha Sah is 37 years old as on 1.1.95. He is a graduate in music. He has given music for several T.V. serials (three serials). He has given music in some feature films.
View SolutionThe candidate must must be over 35 years of age as on 1.6.96.
II. The candidate must be at least a graduate in music.
III. The candidate must have at least one recorded cassette of his or her music.
IV. The candidate must have given music for at least two T.V. serials.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he or she will be selected as a music director. However, if a candidate fulfils all these eriteria except
(a) IV above, his or her case will be referred to the Producer.
(b) I above, his or her case will be referred to the Director.
(c ) II above, but has given music of for some films (feature film only), he or she will be selected as a Music Director.
On the basis of these conditions decide what course of action has to be taken in the case of the following candidates. Give answer.
Manju Majumdar was born on 7.2.1960. She has given music in five T.V. serials. She has given music in two feature films and has seven cassettes of her music.
View SolutionGiven below are four jumbled sentence. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. He decides to leave home and sets out to find him with the help of his best friend called Sungreen.
B. It narrates the story of a young and sensitive boy in a tough world.
C. ‘A Boy and Sungreen’ is a film by the Chinese filmmaker, Ahn-Ju-Young.
D. When he finds that his supposedly dead father is alive he decides to act.
View SolutionIn the following twenty questions, the 1st and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct and indicate it by blackening the appropriate circle in the Answer Sheet.
1. The cinema is a very valuable teaching aid.
P. The cinema is entertaining also.
Q. Historical film help the teacher of History.
R. Science can also be taught very effectively through Cinema.
S.Large number of people like social films.
6. Thus Cinema has a great impact on our society.
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