Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Youth today do not realise that one is modern only when his thoughts and actions bring out something new, which can set an example to the rest of the world. Imitating only the Western outlook in lifestyle, leaving aside their values, is not what modernism is. Should we consider a youth modern if he opts for a dozen girlfriends and then pretends to be ignorant when dowry in marriage is concerned? The family also plays a vital role in shaping one's life. If the urban population in India is divided into two broad divisions, the elite and the middle class, we will find that youths belonging to both these classes suffer from severe frustrations. The parents in the higher society are so busy with their work that their children are left neglected. Loneliness, tensions arising out of parent's unhappy relations and family feuds result in psychiatric depression in the youth. The case is similar in the middle class families, though with a difference. Lack of attention at home ruins them. The situation is not so grave with the girls as they generally prefer to stay at home, whatever its conditions be. But young men, desperate to find some refuge, quite often come in contact with drugs, alcohol and other illegal activities. Neither are they happy with the society nor is the society happy with them.
Young men seek refuge in
dozen girl-friends
drugs, alcohol, etc.
dowry in marriage
The correct Answer is:C
Step by step video, text & image solution for Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Youth today do not realise that one is modern only when his thoughts and actions bring out something new, which can set an example to the rest of the world. Imitating only the Western outlook in lifestyle, leaving aside their values, is not what modernism is. Should we consider a youth modern if he opts for a dozen girlfriends and then pretends to be ignorant when dowry in marriage is concerned? The family also plays a vital role in shaping one's life. If the urban population in India is divided into two broad divisions, the elite and the middle class, we will find that youths belonging to both these classes suffer from severe frustrations. The parents in the higher society are so busy with their work that their children are left neglected. Loneliness, tensions arising out of parent's unhappy relations and family feuds result in psychiatric depression in the youth. The case is similar in the middle class families, though with a difference. Lack of attention at home ruins them. The situation is not so grave with the girls as they generally prefer to stay at home, whatever its conditions be. But young men, desperate to find some refuge, quite often come in contact with drugs, alcohol and other illegal activities. Neither are they happy with the society nor is the society happy with them. Young men seek refuge in by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 6 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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