Mahatma Gandhi once said that there is enough on this earth of all men's need but not for one man's greed. When we start falling green trees in our hurry to make more profit in less time. We strike at the root of our own survival. Increasing population has burdened our forests too much to let them remain green and rich. Industrialisation and mechanical means if cutting timber have accelerated the rate of deforestation. Forests are being cleared to provide land for farming and constructing colonies for people.
Gandhiji said, "The forests are being cleared', because
to provide land for farming and constructing colonies for people
there is enough burden on the forests
mechanical sources are available to cut wood
forests strike at the root of their own
The correct Answer is:A
Step by step video, text & image solution for Mahatma Gandhi once said that there is enough on this earth of all men's need but not for one man's greed. When we start falling green trees in our hurry to make more profit in less time. We strike at the root of our own survival. Increasing population has burdened our forests too much to let them remain green and rich. Industrialisation and mechanical means if cutting timber have accelerated the rate of deforestation. Forests are being cleared to provide land for farming and constructing colonies for people. Gandhiji said, "The forests are being cleared', because by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 6 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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