Long ago there lived a pair of crows in a big tree in a forest. Other animals often rested under that tree. A black snake lived in a hold by the tree's roots. The crows had made a nest and the she-crow laid eggs in it. Soon the eggs hatched and four baby crows came out. One day when the crows were away to bring food for the baby crows, the snake went upto the nest and ate the little crows. When the crows came back with food, they saw the snake entering the hole and found the nest empty. This made them very sad.
After some months, the same thing happened again. Therefore, they thought, if they lived there, the snake would eat up their children every time. So they decided to leave that place.
The crows decided to go elsewhere because-
The tree was too big for them
Other animals often took rest under the tree
They were not safe there
The snake would eat up their babies every time
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for Long ago there lived a pair of crows in a big tree in a forest. Other animals often rested under that tree. A black snake lived in a hold by the tree's roots. The crows had made a nest and the she-crow laid eggs in it. Soon the eggs hatched and four baby crows came out. One day when the crows were away to bring food for the baby crows, the snake went upto the nest and ate the little crows. When the crows came back with food, they saw the snake entering the hole and found the nest empty. This made them very sad. After some months, the same thing happened again. Therefore, they thought, if they lived there, the snake would eat up their children every time. So they decided to leave that place. The crows decided to go elsewhere because- by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 6 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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किराए पर पुस्तके देने वाले किसी पुस्तकालय का प्रथम तीन दिनों का एक नियम किराया है तथा उसके बाद प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का अलग किराया है । सरिता ने सात दिनों तक एक पुस्तक रखने के लिए 27 अदा किए जबकि सुसी ने एक पुस्तक पाँच दिनों तक रखने के 21 ऐडा किए । नियत किराया तथा प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का किराया ज्ञात कीजिए ।
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