Long ago, a large redwood tree, which was very tall, stood in the forest. "Why am I here?" the redwood asked. But sadly no one heard him. The redwood tree stood there for many more years. It had green needle like leaves, and it was green all year. That is why the birds liked the tree. And they grew up and had babies. They all lived in that redwood tree.
About two hundred bird families called it a home. At sundown the sound of nesting birds was so loud that deers couldn't rub their backs on the tree's trunk. The bird noises hurt their ears.
One day the tree asked the same question he had asked for all those years. "Why am I here? I wish someone would cut me down and build ten homes with my wood. Then I would be good for something."
A black bird heard the tree. She flew up from the ground to the tip of the top telling all the other birds. "Our tree wants to leave the forest. Our tree does not think he is doing good things. All together let us tell the tree." They said, “Today you are two hundred homes, not ten homes but twenty times ten! You are home for all of us. Please don't leave the forest." That day the tree was happy to find out why he was there.
'From the ground to the tip of the top' means-
under the tree
from the ground to the middle of the tree
from the ground to the topmost part of the tree
from the middle to the topmost part of the tree
The correct Answer is:C
Step by step video, text & image solution for Long ago, a large redwood tree, which was very tall, stood in the forest. "Why am I here?" the redwood asked. But sadly no one heard him. The redwood tree stood there for many more years. It had green needle like leaves, and it was green all year. That is why the birds liked the tree. And they grew up and had babies. They all lived in that redwood tree. About two hundred bird families called it a home. At sundown the sound of nesting birds was so loud that deers couldn't rub their backs on the tree's trunk. The bird noises hurt their ears. One day the tree asked the same question he had asked for all those years. "Why am I here? I wish someone would cut me down and build ten homes with my wood. Then I would be good for something." A black bird heard the tree. She flew up from the ground to the tip of the top telling all the other birds. "Our tree wants to leave the forest. Our tree does not think he is doing good things. All together let us tell the tree." They said, “Today you are two hundred homes, not ten homes but twenty times ten! You are home for all of us. Please don't leave the forest." That day the tree was happy to find out why he was there. 'From the ground to the tip of the top' means- by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 6 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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