State Newton's second law of motion. How it helps us to measure force ? State its CGS and SI units.Solution in Punjabi

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Newton.s second law: It states that time rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and the change takes place in the direction of applied force.
Mathematically, dpdtF
Where F is the applied force, F=dpdt
Since p=mv therefore F=ddt(mv) or F=mdvdt or F=ma
Magnitude of the force is given by F = ma ....(i)
Hence, force can be calculated by using equation (i). It means, second law of motion gives measure of force.
i) Absolute unit of force: A force is said to be absolute unit of force, if it produces unit acceleration in unit mass of body.
a) CGS system: Unit of force is dyne.
we know that, F= ma
Thus, force is I dyne, if it produces 1cms2 acceleration in a body of mass 1 g.
b) SI system: Unit of force is newton (N).
F= ma
1 newton =kgms2
Thus, a force is 1 newton, if it produces 1ms2 acceleration in a body of mass 1kg.
ii) Gravitational unit of force
a) SI system: Unit of force is kilogram weight. It is that force, which produces an acceleration of 9.8ms2 in a mass of 1 kg. i. e., 1 kg wt (kgf) = 9.8 N
b) CGS system: Unit of force is gram weight. It is that force, which produces an acceleration of 980cms2 in a mass of 1g. i.e., lg wt (gf) = 980 dyne.
