List the various distinguishing features of angiosperms.Solution in Punjabi

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Distinguishing features of angiosperms are as follows :
(i) The plant body of angiosperm is sporophytic being represented by herbs, shrubs, trees , twiners, traillers, climbers etc.
(ii) In angiosperms, primary root is developed from radicle. It forms tap root system. In many angiosperms, roots develop from places other than radicle. They are adventitious roots.
(iii) In angiosperms, stem develops from plumule part of embryo.
(iv) Leave develop from nodes can be simple or compound.
(v) In angiosperms the vascular tissues are xylem and phloem. Vascular strand is made of a number of vascular bundles.
(vi) Secondary growth occurs mostly in dicots.
(vii) Flowers are peculiar in angiosperms. Megasporophylls are rolled to form carpels.
(viii) Archegonia are absent in angiosperms.
(ix) In angiosperms, pollination occurs through wind, water, insects and other animals.
(x) Female gametophyte is called embryo sac.
(xi) The process of double fertilization occurs only in angiosperms.
(xii) In angiosperms, fruit develops from the whole ovary of a pistil. It usually encloses one or more seeds formed from ovules.
