For H+ and Na+ the values of λ∘ are 349.8 and 50.11 respectively calculate the mobilites of these ions and their velocites if they are in a cel in which electrode are 4 cm apart and to which a ptential of 3BV is appied
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For H+ and Na+ the values of λ∞ are 349.8 and 50.11. Calculate the mobilities of these ions and their velecities if they are in a cell in which the electrodes are 5 cm apart and to which a potential of 2 volts is applied.
View SolutionFor H+ and Na+ the values of λ∞ are 349.8 and 50.11. Calculate the mobilities of these ions and their velecities if they are in a cell in which the electrodes are 5 cm apart and to which a potential of 2 volts is applied.
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View SolutionConsider a solution of CH3COONH4 which is a salt weak acid and weak base.
The equilibrium involved in the solutions are :
CH3COO−+H2O⇔CH3COOH+OH− ........(i)
NH+4+H2⇔NH4OH+H+ ........(ii)
H++OH−⇔H2O ........(iii)
If we add these reactions, then the net reaction is :
CH3COO−+H+2+H2O⇔CH3COOH+NH4OH ........(iv)
Both CH3COO−and NH+4 get hydrolysed independently and their hydrolysis depends on :
(a) their initial concentration
(b) The value of Kh which is KwKa for CH3COO− and KwKb for NH+4.
Since both of the ions were produced form the salt, their initial concertration are same. Therefore, unless and until the value of KwKa or Ka and Kb is same, the degree of hydrogen of ions can't be same.
To explain why we assume that degree of hydrolysis of cation and anion is same, we needed to now look at the third reaction i.e.,combination of H+ and OH− ions. It is obvious that this reaction happens only because one reaction produced H+ ion and the other prodcued OH− ions. We can also note that this reaction causes both the hydrolysis reaction to occur more since their product ions are being consumed. Keep this in mind that the equilibrium which has smaller value of the equilibrium constant is affected more by the common ion effect. For the same reason if for any reson a reaction is made to occur to a greater extent by the consumption of any of the prodcut ion, the reaction with the smaller value of equilibrium constant tends to get affected more.
Therefore, we conclude that firstly the hydroylsis of both the ions occurs more in the presence of each other (due to consumption of the product ions) than in each other's absence. Secondly,the hydroylsis of the ion which occurs to a lesser extent (due to smaller value of Kh)is affected more than the one whole Kh is greater. Hence we can see that the degree of hydroylsis of both the ions would be close to each other when they are getting hyderolysed in the presence of each other.
In the hydrolysis of salt weak acid and weak base :
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