In an electrolysis experiment, current was passed for 5h through two cells connected in series. The first cell contains a solution of gold and second contains copper sulphate solution. In the first cell, 9.85g of gold was deposited. If the oxidation number of gold is +3, find the amount of copper deposited at the cathode of the second cell. Also calculate the magnitude of the current in ampere, ( Atomic weight of Au is 197 and atomic weight of Cu is 63.5).

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Mass Au depositedMass of Cu deposited=Eq mass of AuEq mass of Cu
Eq mass of Au 1=1973
Eq mass of Cu =63.52
=9.85Mass of Cu deposited=197363.52
Mass of Cu depsited =9.85×63.523197
Applying w=Eit96500


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