An LPG cylinder is assumed to contain 11.2 kg of butane (C4H10). If a family needs 20000 kJ of energy per day, then cylinder will last for nearly how many days ? (Given that ΔH for combustion of butane is - 2658 kJ/mole)
C4H10(g)+132O2(g)→4CO2(g)+5H2O(g),ΔH=−2658 kJ
Molecular weight of C4H10=58 g/moles.
∴11.2 kJ of butane on combustion produces 2658×103×11.258 J
Family needs 20,000 kJ of energy per day.
∴ No. of days =2658×103×11.258×20,000=25.66 days.
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