In a ΔABC, show that 2R2sinAsinBsinC=Δ.

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Let N1 be the amount of parent atom of A at any instant tΔt.Therefore, N1=N01eλA(tΔt)…..(1),Where N01 is the number of parent atom of A at t=0.The number of daughter atoms at anytime t is given by N2=λAN01λBλA[eλAteλBt].......(2),For transient atom λA<λB, hence eλB , t term can be neglected in (2) N2λAN01λBλAeλAt........(3)Given that activity of A at (tΔt)=activityofBatt.implieslambda _(A) N_(1)^(0) e^(-lambda _(A)(t-Delta t))=lambda_(B) (lambda_(A) N_(1)^(0) )/(lambda_(B)-lambda _(A))e^(-lambda_(A)t),impliese^(-lambda _(A) Delta t)=(lambda_(B))/(lambda _(B)-lambda_(A))impliesDelta t=(1)/(lambda_(A))In [(lambda_(B))/(lambda_(B)-lambda_(A))].TheavergaelifeofAiota =(1)/(lambda_(A))andtˆofBisiota =(1)/(lambda_(B)) ,thereforeDelta t =iota _(A)In[(1)/((1-lambda_(B))/(lambda_(A)))] implies Delta t cong iota _(A).(iota_(B))/(iota_(A))asiota _(B)/iota _(A) rArr 0(given)impliesDelta t= iota _(B)
