Roasting of copper pyrite ores is for the following purpose
The correct Answer is:6
FeO conversion into Fe2O3 to prevent losss of iron in form of slag (FeSiO3)
SnO2+O2→ No reaction
FeSCu2S}+O2→sulphate, removed by treating with hotH2O
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Roasting of copper pyrites is done:
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Roasting of ores is done in
Ato burn off sulphur, arsenic , antimony etc. as oxides and convert all the iron and copper to their oxidesBto burn off arsenic, antimony etc. as oxides and burn off sulphur so that enough of it remains to combine with all the copper.Cto burn off sulphur partially, in order to leave enough of sulphur to combine with arsenic, antimony etc. and to convert all the rion ad copper to oxides.Dto melt arsenic and antimony sulphides etc. and remove them by liquation and to burn off sulpur partially to leave enough to combine with copper and iron.Why partial roasting of sulphide ore is done in the metallurgy of copper ?
A1.Auto-reduction of Cu2O formed is carried out by remaining Cu2S in the reaction.B2.Cu is separated out by partial reduction due to sedimentationC3.Due to difference in gravity Cu2O and Cu2S are separated.D4.Complete roasting cannot be done in one step hence partial roasting is done.
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