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What is ecology ? Briefly Explain four majors abiotic factors of environmental.

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The branch of science dealing with relations and interactions of organisms and their environemnt. &Woe Abiotic Factors (A brief account) I.
(a) Temperature is very greatly influenced by latitude, altitude, topography. vegetation, and slope.
(b) Temperature has a significant role in determining the climatic conditions, growth responses of plants and activities of organisms.
(c) This can be easily understood by the fact that temperature influences kinetics of enzyme and through it rate of process inside an organism, its activeness, the based metabolism, activitia etc.
(d) For example-certain plants require a day-night temperature difference (thermoperiodism) for optimum growth, exposure to cold. either,. seed gemination and induces flowering in some plants.
(e) Range of tolerance for different factors vary from species to species. A species may be more tolerant to one factor anti less to another.
(f) Some organism.s can survive in a wide range of temperature, such organisms are called eury thermal. However most of the organisms restricted to narrow ranges of temperature, they are call. stenotherinal
(g) The animals in which body temperature tends to match the environmental temperature in victory are culled ectotherms or cold-blooded animals (e.g., amphibians and reptiles).
(9 ) Many animals maintain untie, aestivation (summer sleep) or hibernation (winter sleep) or control their body temperature by moving around or seeking shade.
Animals who maintain inore/less a constant internal temperature are called endotherms (wama blooded) e.g.. bin. and mammals
(J) Maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment under varying external environment is called homeostasis.
(k) The geographical destribution is determined by levels of thermal to a large extent. Organisms arc widely distributed if they have a wide tolerance range, and they am restrict. in distribution if have narrow tolerance range.
(I) Temperature also controls certain morphological characters like birds and mammals of colder region are larger in size. have shorter tail, snont, ears and limbs than those of warmer region. (m)Similar)y mammals. birds and insects of warmer region am more: darker in colour and heavily pigmented than those of colder region.
Example Characters of Antic fox . Red fox and Desert fox
(n) In recent years, there is ,at concern about Its gradual increase in average global temperature, but if this trend continues. the aititudinal and latitudinal distribution patterns of organisms will be affected. Its an estimate that plants arc moving upwards with an average speed of 10 ft per year due to this change. Many species may disappear is they may be unable to migrate fast enough to track temperature change, especially the plants.
2. Water.
(a) Life on earth originated one earth and is unsustainable without it. The productivity and distribution of plants depends largely on water. Not only the terrestrial but aquatic organisms also face water related problems, for them the quality (pH/salinity) of water is important.
(b) Some orga-nisnsm are tolerant to wide ranges of salinity they are called euryhaline, other are restricted to run row ranges of salinity, they are called stennhaline.
(c) As pH has a major role in detennining the osmolarity therefore many fresh water animals cannot thrive for long in marine water and vice versa, due to the osmotic problems they would face.
3. Light.
(a)The quality, intensity, duration and exposure to light are very important to plants. The quality of light plays important role in flower induction, seed. gemination, and plant movements. The phenological processes such as flowering and fruiting in plants is regulated by the duration of light, while the intensity of light affects photosynthesis, growth and reproduction in plants.
(b) !Amy herbs and shrubs growing in forests have adapted to photosynthesis: optimally under very low light conditions as they arc over shaded by tall trees. Others show various adaptations for obtaining optimum light. They also need for their photoperiodic needs.
(c) Animals require light for vision, for their diurnal (activity during day) and photoperiodic needs (for hibernation, aestivation, migration, diapause and reproductive behaviours).
(d) In deep sea/oceans, environment is perpetually dark and inhabitants are practically unaware of existence of light. These organisms are mostly luminescent due to this reason.
(e) The spectral quality of solar radiation is also important for life. Organisms. growing at different depths of water get different colour components of light. Due to this reason green, brown and red algae inhabit upper, middle, and deep-layers of water respectively.
4. Soil
(a) The nature and properties of Aoil in different places vary and depends on climate, weathering process, and soil development.
(b) Soil weathering may be physical (brought about by temperature, water, wind and biological agencies). Or chemical (including solution, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, carbonation etc). Soil development also depends on various factors like humification, calcification etc.
(c) Due to these. variations soil properties like-soil composition, grain size and percolation differ from place to place. And thus, percolation, aggregation, and water-retention of different places vary.
(d) These characters combined with pH, mineral composition and topography determine largely the vegetation in any area which in turn dir. tams the animal population that can he supported by the region.
(e) In aquatic environment, the sediment-characteristics determine the type of benthic (bottom strata inhabitants) animals that can thrive there.

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