Gene expression can be controlled with the help of RNA molecule. Explain the method with an example.Solution in Punjabi

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Silencing or prevention of translation of specific mRNA, by introducing specially created double sbanded RNA (dsRNA) which binds with it to stop translation is called RNA i (RNA interperence).
Using the technique RNA interference (RNAL) transgenic tobacco plant is protected against Meloulegyne incogmtia using Agnbaaerium as the vectors, nematode-specific genes were introduced into the host plant (mtroduction of dsRNA) produces both sense, and anti sense RNA. These two RNAs form ds RNA, silence specific WRNA of nematode. No protein synthesis, no translation occurs, hence nemstode cannot survive in tabacco plant.
1. Nematode specific genes isolated (cloned).
2. Nemotode specific genes are introduced into the tobacco plant.
3. dsRNA produced in the host plant i.e., dsRNA bind to mRNA of nematode.
4. RNA interference initiated.
5. mRNA translation silenced.
6. Survival of the nematode not possible in the host.


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