Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the odd one out, giving reasons.
Cheese, egg, milk, groundnut

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine the odd one out from the list of options: Cheese, Egg, Milk, and Groundnut, we need to analyze the nutritional components of each item.

1. Identify the Food Items: We have four food items: Cheese, Egg, Milk, and Groundnut.

2. Analyze Nutritional Components:
- Cheese: High in fat and also contains protein.
- Egg: Contains both fat (especially in the yolk) and protein (especially in the egg white).
- Milk: Contains fat and protein, but also carbohydrates (lactose).
- Groundnut (Peanut): Primarily high in fat and protein, but it is also a source of carbohydrates.

3. Compare the Main Nutritional Components:
- Cheese, Egg, and Milk all contain significant amounts of fat.
- Groundnut, while it does contain fat, is primarily recognized as a source of protein and carbohydrates.

4. Identify the Odd One Out:
- The odd one out is Groundnut.
- This is because Cheese, Egg, and Milk are primarily animal products, while Groundnut is a plant-based food. Additionally, Groundnut has a different nutritional profile, being more balanced in terms of protein and carbohydrates compared to the others which are higher in fat.

The odd one out is Groundnut because it is a plant-based food, while Cheese, Egg, and Milk are animal products.

