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Define the following:

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Loam: Loam is a type of soil that is a mixture of sand, clay particles, and organic materials.

2. Components of Loam:
- Sand: Provides good drainage and aeration.
- Clay: Retains moisture and nutrients.
- Organic Materials: Contributes to soil fertility and structure.

3. Uses of Loam: Loam is commonly used in construction, particularly for making bricks, due to its suitable texture and composition.

4. Characteristics of Loamy Soil:
- It has a balanced texture that supports both drainage and nutrient retention.
- It may not support dense plant growth in some areas, indicating that while it is fertile, it might not be the best for all types of plants.

5. Conclusion: Loam is an important type of soil that combines various elements to create a fertile and versatile medium for both plant growth and construction purposes.

