80325901 can be written in words as


Eight crore thirty two lakh five thousand nine hundred one


Eight crore three lakh twenty five thousand nine hundred one


Eighty lakh thirty two thousand nine hundred one


Eighty crore thirty two lakh five thousand nine hundred one

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The correct Answer is:B

To write the number 80325901 in words, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down the number
First, we need to break down the number into its place values. The number is 80325901.

Step 2: Identify the place values
- Crores: 8
- Lakhs: 3
- Thousands: 25
- Hundreds: 9
- Tens: 0
- Units: 1

Step 3: Write in words
Now, we can write the number in words by combining the place values:
- 8 Crores
- 3 Lakhs
- 25 Thousands
- 900 (Nine Hundred)
- 1 (One)

Step 4: Combine all parts
Putting it all together, we get:
Eight Crore, Three Lakh, Twenty-Five Thousand, Nine Hundred and One

Final Answer
Thus, 80325901 can be written in words as:
Eight Crore, Three Lakh, Twenty-Five Thousand, Nine Hundred and One.

