Two musical notes of the same pitch and loudness are played on a violin and a piano. The wave forms are as shown in the figures given below. Explain why the wave patterns are differnt.

The two sounds whose wave forms are given above differ quality, although the frequency and amplitude of the two waves shown are of the same nature and number of harmonics are different
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View SolutionAn oscillator of frequency 680Hz drives two speakers . The speakers are fixed on a vertical pole at a distance 3m from each other as shown in Fig. 7.103. A person whose height is almost the same as that of the lower speaker walks towards the lower speaker in a direction perpendicular to the pole. Assuming that there is no reflection of sound from the ground and speed of sound is v=340m/s , answer the following questions.
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Wave function ( at the person's location) that describes waves coming from the upper speaker can be expressed as :
View SolutionAssertion (A): The musical notes produced by two musical instruments, like guitar and sitar are different even if the length and the thickness of the strings in both instruments are the same.
Reason (R) : The difference in two sounds of equal pitch and loudness can be distinguished by a characteristic property called quality of sound ro timbre.
View SolutionAssertion (A): The musical notes produced by two musical instruments, like guitar and sitar are different even if the length and the thickness of the strings in both instruments are the same.
Reason (R) : The difference in two sounds of equal pitch and loudness can be distinguished by a characteristic property called quality of sound ro timbre.
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