A slip of paper is given to a person A who marks it either with a plus sign or a minus sign. The probability of his writing a plus sign is 1/3. A passes the slip to B, who may either leave it alone or change the sign before passing it to C. Next C passes the slip to D after perhaps changing the sign. Finally D passes it to a refere after perhaps changing the sign. B,C,Deachchan≥thesignwithprobability2//3.
If the refree observes a plus sign on the slip then the probability that A originally wrote a plus sign isSolution in Bengali
The correct Answer is:C
(c) Let E1= Event that A wrote a plus sign
E1= Event that B wrote a plus sign
E= Event that the referee observes a plus sign.
Given P(E1)=13⇒P(E2)=23
P(E/E1)= Probability that none of B, C, D change sign + Probability that exactly two of B,C,D change sign
P(E/E2)= Probability that all of B,c,d change sign + Probability that exactly one of B,C,D changes sign =827+3(23×13×13)=1427
∴P(E1/E)=1341 (Using Bayes' Theorem)
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