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Write the structure of 3-Hydroxybutanal

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To write the structure of 3-Hydroxybutanal, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Parent Chain
The name "3-Hydroxybutanal" indicates that the compound is derived from butanal, which is a four-carbon aldehyde. Therefore, the parent chain will consist of four carbon atoms.

Step 2: Draw the Carbon Backbone
We start by drawing a straight chain of four carbon atoms:

Step 3: Identify the Functional Groups
The name indicates that there is a hydroxy (-OH) group at the 3rd carbon and an aldehyde (–CHO) group at the 1st carbon.

Step 4: Number the Carbon Atoms
To ensure that the functional groups get the lowest possible numbers, we will number the carbon atoms starting from the end closest to the aldehyde group:
- C1: Aldehyde group (CHO)
- C2: CH2
- C3: Hydroxy group (C3 - OH)
- C4: CH3

Step 5: Add the Functional Groups
Now, we can add the functional groups to the carbon backbone:
- At C1, we have the aldehyde group (CHO).
- At C3, we have the hydroxy group (OH).

Step 6: Complete the Structure
Now, we can complete the structure by adding the necessary hydrogen atoms to satisfy the tetravalency of carbon:
This can also be represented in a more condensed form:

Final Structure
The final structure of 3-Hydroxybutanal is:
