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Define the following term:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Testes: Testes are the male reproductive organs responsible for producing sperm and male hormones.

2. Location: They are located in a sac-like structure called the scrotum, which is situated outside the male body.

3. Structure: There are typically two testes, and they are shaped like eggs.

4. Functions: The primary functions of the testes include:
- Sperm Production: They produce male gametes known as sperm.
- Hormone Production: They produce male hormones, particularly testosterone, which plays a crucial role in male development and reproductive functions.

5. Comparison with Female Reproductive Organs: In females, the equivalent reproductive organ is the ovary, which produces female gametes (eggs or ova). The fusion of sperm from the testes and the egg from the ovary results in the formation of a zygote, which is the first step in the development of a new organism.
