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Define the following term:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Term "Embryo": The term "embryo" refers to a specific stage in the development of an organism.

2. Origin of the Embryo: The embryo is formed from a zygote. A zygote is the initial cell that is created when a sperm fertilizes an egg.

3. Characteristics of the Zygote: The zygote is a single cell that contains all the genetic information necessary to develop into a new organism.

4. Cell Division: After fertilization, the zygote undergoes a series of divisions. This process is known as cleavage, where the single cell divides multiple times.

5. Formation of the Embryo: As the zygote divides repeatedly, it forms a cluster or a ball of cells. This cluster of cells is what we refer to as the embryo.

6. Definition of Embryo: Therefore, an embryo can be defined as a multicellular structure that develops from the zygote through continuous cell division.

Final Definition: An embryo is a multicellular organism that develops from a zygote after a series of cell divisions.

