Lightning caused by an electric discharge from a negatively-charged cloud to a positively charged ground is often accompanied by another bolt of lightning in the reverse direction. This is called a 'return stroke and it travels from the Earth to the cloud. Discuss why and how a return stroke is caused.
Step-by-Step Text Solution:
1. Understanding Lightning: Lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. It typically happens between a negatively charged cloud and the positively charged ground.
2. Formation of Charge: During a thunderstorm, the movement of air causes the separation of charges within the cloud. The upper part of the cloud becomes positively charged, while the lower part becomes negatively charged. The ground beneath the cloud also becomes positively charged due to the influence of the negatively charged cloud.
3. Initial Discharge: When the electric potential difference between the negatively charged cloud and the positively charged ground becomes large enough, a discharge occurs in the form of a lightning bolt. This is the initial lightning strike that travels from the cloud to the ground.
4. Return Stroke: After the initial discharge, the ground is left with a positive charge. The electric field created by this positive charge attracts electrons from the ground back up to the cloud. This movement of positive charge from the ground to the cloud is what we refer to as the return stroke.
5. Visible Flash: The return stroke is a bright flash of light that is often seen as lightning. It occurs because the rapid movement of charge generates a significant amount of energy, which is released in the form of light and heat.
6. Conclusion: The return stroke is essentially a flow of positive charge from the Earth back to the cloud, following the initial discharge of lightning. This process is a crucial part of the overall phenomenon of lightning and helps to balance the charges in the atmosphere.
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