Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows. Our country gave birth to a mighty soul and he shone like a beacon not only for India but also for the whole world. And yet he was done to death by one of our own brothers and compatriots. How did this happen? You might think that it was an act of madness but that does not explain this tragedy. It could only occur because the seed for it was sown in the poison of hatred and enmity that spread throughout the country and affected so many of our people. Out of that seed grew this poisonous plant. It is the duty of all of us to fight this poison of hatred and ill-will. If we have learnt anything from Gandhiji, we must bear no ill-will or enmity towards s any person. The individual is not our enemy, it is the poison within him that we fight and which we must put an end to.
What should we fight against in the individual?
Against love and hatred equally
Against individuals who do not have faith in God
Against non-violence message of Gandhiji
Against poison of hatred and ill-will in the individual present
The correct Answer is:D
Against poison of hatred and ill-will present in the individual.
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