A sample of urine was diagnosed to contain high content of glucose and ketone bodies. Based on this observation, answer the following:
Name the cells on which this hormone acts.Solution in Punjabi
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इस स्थिति/दशा को क्या कहा जाता है और इसको दूर करने का क्या उपाय है ?
View SolutionIn which condition the following abnormal constituents are found in urine-glucose, albumin, ketone body and bilirubin?
View SolutionA sample of urine was diagnosed to contain high content of glucose and ketone bodies. Based on this observation, answer the following
(a) which endocrine gland and hormone is related to this condition?
(b) name the ceils on which this hormone acts
(c) what is the condition called and how can it rectified?
View SolutionA sample of urine was diagnosed to contain high content of glucose and ketone bodies. Based on this observation, answer the following :
Which endocrine gland and hormone is related to this condition ?
View SolutionA sample of urine was diagnosed to contain high content of glucose and ketone bodies. Based on this observation, answer the following : Name the cells on which this hormone acts.
View SolutionA sample of urine was diagnosed to contain high content of glucose and ketone bodies. Based on this observation, answer the following : What is the condition called and how can it be rectified ?
View Solutionमूत्र के एक नमूने की जाँच करने पर उसमे ग्लूकोज और कीटोन-कार्यो की मात्रा काफी अधिक पाई गई। इस प्रेक्षण के आधार पर निम्न का उत्तर दे-
(a) इस स्थिति के लिए कौन-सी अन्तःस्त्रावी ग्रंथि एवं हार्मोन कार्य करता है?
(b) उन कोशिकाओं का नाम बताएँ जिन पर यह हार्मोन कार्य करता है।
(c ) इस स्थिति/दशा को क्या कहा जाता है और इसको दूर करने का क्या उपाय है?
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