In the figure given below , the black line(upper) indicates action spectrum for photosynthesis and the lighter line (lower) indicates the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll 'a' , answer the followings: 
Wavelength of light nanometera(nm)
If chlorophll 'a' is reponsible for light reaction of photosynthesis, why do the action spectrum and absorption spectrum not overlap?Solution in Punjabi
Step by step video & image solution for In the figure given below , the black line(upper) indicates action spectrum for photosynthesis and the lighter line (lower) indicates the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll 'a' , answer the followings: Wavelength of light nanometera(nm) If chlorophll 'a' is reponsible for light reaction of photosynthesis, why do the action spectrum and absorption spectrum not overlap? by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.
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View SolutionIn the figure given below, the black line (upper) indicates action spectrum for photosynthesis and the lighter line (lower) indicates the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll - a, answer the followings :
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View SolutionAction and absorption spectrum of photosynthesis overlap.'Explain.
View SolutionSite OF photosynthesis ||Photosynthesis pigments||Absorption and action spectrum
View SolutionWhat can we conclude from the statement that the action and absorption spectrum of photosynthesis overlap? At which wavelength do they show peaks?
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