Read the following statements carefully and select the appropriate option given below.
(i) Reproduction is defined as a biological process in which an organism gives rise to the young ones (offspring) similar to itself.
(ii) Adventitious buds arise from the notches present at margins of leaves of Bryophyllum.
(iii) Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organisms, and in plants and animals with relatively simple organisations.
(iv) A few plants exhibit unusual flowering phenomenon, some of them such as bamboo species flower only once in their life time, generally after 50-100 years.
(v) The events of asexual reproduction though elaborate and complex, follow a regular sequence.Solution in Malayalam
All are correct except one statement.
All are correct except two statements.
All are correct except three statements.
All are correct except four statements.
The correct Answer is:A
• Because of marked climatic variations, plants growing near the sea shore produce annual rings.
• The age of the plant can be determined by arinual rings.
• Grafting is difficult in monocot plants as they have scattered vascular bundles.
• Healing of damaged tissue is because of activity of meristematic cells.
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View SolutionWhich of the following statements, support the view that elaborate sexual reproductive process appeared much later in the organic evolution ?
(i) Lower groups of organisms have simpler body design.
(ii) Asexual reproduction is common in lower groups.
(iii) Asexual reproduction is common in higher groups of organisms.
(iv) The high incidence of sexual reproduction in angiosperms and vertebrates.
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(A) i, ii and iii (B) i, iii and iv (C) i, ii and iv (D) ii, iii and iv
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View SolutionIn Bryophyllum, the buds that arises from the notches of margins of leaves are called
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View SolutionIn Bryophyllum, the buds that arises from the notches of margins of leaves are called
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