Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw a line segment of length 10cm. Divide it into four equal parts. Measure each of these parts.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem of drawing a line segment of length 10 cm and dividing it into four equal parts, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw the Line Segment
1. Use a ruler to draw a straight line segment of length 10 cm. Label the endpoints as A and B.
- Hint: Make sure to measure exactly 10 cm using the ruler for accuracy.

Step 2: Find the Midpoint
2. To divide the line segment into four equal parts, first find the midpoint of the line segment AB. This can be done by using a compass.
- Place the compass point on A and open it to more than half the length of AB (more than 5 cm). Draw arcs above and below the line.
- Now, place the compass point on B and draw two more arcs that intersect the previous arcs.
- Hint: The arcs should cross above and below the line segment to help find the midpoint.

Step 3: Draw the Perpendicular Bisector
3. Using a ruler, connect the points where the arcs intersect. This line is the perpendicular bisector and will intersect AB at point O, which is the midpoint.
- Hint: Ensure that the line you draw is perpendicular to AB.

Step 4: Bisect Each Half
4. Now, you need to bisect the segments AO and OB to create four equal parts.
- Place the compass on A and open it to more than half of AO. Draw arcs above and below the line.
- Repeat the same process with point O.
- Hint: Make sure the compass is opened more than half the length of the segment you are bisecting.

Step 5: Draw the Second Bisector
5. Connect the intersection points of the arcs you just drew to create the second bisector, which will intersect AO at point P.
- Hint: This point P should be exactly halfway between A and O.

Step 6: Repeat for OB
6. Repeat the same process for segment OB. Place the compass on O and draw arcs, then do the same from point B. Connect the intersection points to find point Q.
- Hint: Ensure that the arcs you draw from O and B are symmetrical.

Step 7: Measure Each Part
7. Now, you have divided the line segment AB into four equal parts: AP, PO, OQ, and QB. Each part should be equal in length.
- Since the total length of AB is 10 cm, divide this by 4 to find the length of each part:
- Length of each part = 10 cm / 4 = 2.5 cm.
- Hint: Use a ruler to measure each segment to confirm they are all 2.5 cm.

Final Result:
- The line segment AB is divided into four equal parts: AP = 2.5 cm, PO = 2.5 cm, OQ = 2.5 cm, and QB = 2.5 cm.
