Antarctica is an icy continent in the South Pole. It is covered by permanently frozen ground, is surrounded by water and is about 1.5 times longer than the United States.
The world's largest desert is in Antarctica. 98% of the land is covered with a continental ice sheet, the remaining 2% of land is barren rock. Antarctica has about 87% of the world's ice. The South Pole is the coldest, windiest and driest place on Earth. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at the South Pole, it reached as low as −128.6∘F or −88.0∘C. On an average most of the Antarctica gets less than 2 inches of snow each year. Although scientific expeditions visit Antartica, there are no permanent human residents. This is because of the extreme weather, which includes freezing temperature, strong winds and blizzards. There are about 4000 seasonal visitors to Antarctica. Antarctica hasn't always been located at the South pole. It has drifted, like the other continents and has ranged from the Equator during the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago to the South Pole. During the time of the dinosaurs, Antarctica has more temperate and housed dinosaurs and many other life-forms. Now there is very little indigenous life.
Who are the earliest known inhabitants of Antarctica?
American scientists
Indian scientists
It has always been a desert
The correct Answer is:D
There are no permanent inhabitants of Antarctica as it has always been a desert. Only some seasonal visitors visit Antarctica every year.
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