For the following question, choose the correct answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) defined as follows: Statement I is true, Statement II is also true; Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I. Statement I is true, Statement II is also true; Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I. Statement I is true; Statement II is false Statement I is false; Statement II is true. Let a,b,c,p,q be the real numbers. Suppose α,β are the roots of the equation x2+2px+q=0 and α,β2 are the roots of the equation ax2+2bx+c=0, where β2∉{−1,0,1}. Statement I (p2−q)(b2−ac)≥0 and Statement II b∉pa or c∉qa.Solution in Tamil
Statement I is true, Statement II is also true,
Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.
Statement I is true, Statement II is also true,
Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I.
Statement I is true, Statement II is false.
Statement I is false, Statement II is ture.
The correct Answer is:D
Given, F(x)=∫sin2xdx=∫1−cos2x2dx
Since, F(x+π)≠F(x)
Hence, Statement I is false.
But, Statement II is true as sin2x is periodic with period π.
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