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Which of the following statements are NOT true ?


Unleaded petrol used to be the primary source of air-borne lead emission in Indian cities


Leaded petrol used to be the primary source of air-borne lead emission in Indian cities.


Lead interferes with the development and maturation of red blood cells.


Lead interferes with the development and maturation of white blood cells.

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To determine which statement is NOT true regarding lead emissions and their effects, we will analyze each statement provided in the question step by step.

Step 1: Analyze Statement 1
Statement: Unleaded petrol used to be the primary source of airborne lead emission in Indian cities.

Analysis: This statement is incorrect. The primary source of airborne lead emissions in most Indian cities has historically been leaded petrol, not unleaded petrol. Leaded petrol contains tetraethyl lead (TEL), which is responsible for lead emissions. Therefore, this statement is NOT true.

Step 2: Analyze Statement 2
Statement: Leaded petrol is used as the primary source of airborne lead emission in Indian cities.

Analysis: This statement is correct. As mentioned earlier, leaded petrol, which contains lead, has been a significant source of airborne lead emissions in Indian cities. Therefore, this statement is true.

Step 3: Analyze Statement 3
Statement: Lead interferes with the development and maturation of red blood cells (RBCs).

Analysis: This statement is correct. Lead is known to be toxic and can interfere with the production and maturation of red blood cells, which are essential for transporting oxygen in the body. Therefore, this statement is true.

Step 4: Analyze Statement 4
Statement: Lead interferes with the development and maturation of white blood cells (WBCs).

Analysis: This statement is also correct. Lead exposure can negatively impact the immune system by affecting the development and maturation of white blood cells, which play a crucial role in immunity. Therefore, this statement is true.

After analyzing all the statements, we find that the only statement that is NOT true is:

Answer: Statement 1: "Unleaded petrol used to be the primary source of airborne lead emission in Indian cities."

