Which of the following is the "bird flu virus"?Solution in Telugu

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Avian Flu or bird Flu is an important disease affecting poultry birds and man. Causative organism: Avian Flu or birdFlu is caused by an ..avianFlu virus.. the H5NI. The virus that causes the bird infection infects humans too. It is a pandemic disease. Mode of infection: Infection may be spread simply by touching contaminated surfaces Birds infected by this type of influenza, continue to release the virus as in their faeces and saliva for as long as 10 days. Symptoms: In humans it causes typical -flu-like symptoms, include cough, diarrhoea difficulty in breathing fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches and sore throat.
Prevention: * Avoiding consumption of under cooked chicken
* People who work for poultry birds should use protective clothing and special breathing masks.
* Complete culling of infected flock by burying or burning them.
