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Cryptorchidism i.e. failure of descent of testes in humans occurs due to


Hypersecretion of testosterone


Hyposecretion of testosterone


Hyposecretion of progesterone


Hyposecretion of estrogen

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Cryptorchidism:
- Cryptorchidism refers to the condition where one or both of the testes fail to descend into the scrotum. This is a common condition in males and can lead to infertility if not treated.

2. Hormonal Influence:
- The descent of the testes is influenced by hormones, particularly androgens. The primary androgen responsible for this process is testosterone.

3. Role of Testosterone:
- Testosterone is produced in the testes and is crucial for the development and descent of the testes into the scrotum during fetal development.

4. Hyposecretion of Testosterone:
- If there is a hyposecretion (low secretion) of testosterone, it can lead to the failure of the testes to descend properly, resulting in cryptorchidism.

5. Other Hormones:
- Progesterone and estrogen are primarily female hormones and do not play a significant role in the descent of the testes. Therefore, their hyposecretion would not cause cryptorchidism.

6. Conclusion:
- The failure of descent of the testes in humans (cryptorchidism) occurs due to the hyposecretion of testosterone.

Final Answer:
Cryptorchidism occurs due to the hyposecretion of testosterone.
