Give chemical equations and name the main product formed when
(i) Ethyl alcohol is mixed with air and passed over Ag catalyst at 520 K.
(ii) Benzoyl chloride is treated with lithium tri-tert-butoxy aluminium hydride.
(iii) Isoprophlidene chloride is treated with caustic potash.
(iv) Methylmagnesium iodide is treated with HCN and the resultant product is hydrolysed.
(i) CH3CH2OH+12O2(air)Ag.520K−−−−→CH3CHO
(iii) CH3−Cl∣C∣Cl−CH3+2KOH(aq)→CH3−O∣∣C−CH3+2KCl+H2O
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(i) Acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 turns green when sodium sulphite is added to it.
(ii) Potassium ferricyanide is added to ferrous sulphate .
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View SolutionMenion the products formed in the following
i. Zine oxide is treated with excess of sodium hydroxide solution
ii. Iodine is added to a solution of stamous chloriude
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View SolutionWhat happens when :
(i) Ferric chloride is added to potassium ferrocyanide.
(ii) Iron reacts with cold dilute nitric acid.
(iii) Potassium ferricyanide is added to ferrous sulphate.
(iv) Excess of potassium iodide is added to mercuric chloride.
(v) Silver chloride is treated with aq. sodium cyanide and the product thus formed is allowed to react with zinc in alkaline medium.
View SolutionWhat happens when ? (Give balanced equations)
(i)Sodium iodate is treated with sodium bisulphite solution.
(ii)Chlorine is passed through hot and concentrated NaOH solution.
(iii)Chlorine is passed into dilute and cold potassium hydroxide solution.
(iv)Chlorine gas is bubbled through a solution of ferrous bromide.
(v)Iodine reacts with concentrated HNO3.
(vi)Chlorine is passed over slaked lime.
(vii)Potassium iodide is heated with MnO2 and concentrated H2SO4.
(viii)Chlorine reacts with Na2SO3 solution.
(ix)Iodine is added to acidified stannous chloride solution.
View SolutionMatch (A) iron sulphide, (B) sodium thiosulphate, (C) calcium carbonate, (D) ammonium chloride, (E) concentrated sulphuric acid, (F) nitric acid, with its correct description given in (i) - (vi) below:
(i) It forms colloidal sulphur when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. (ii) When it is heated with an alkali a gas is formed which produces white fumes with HCI. (iii) It reacts with acids and a gas having smell like rotten eggs is liberated. (iv) It gives a brisk effervescence when treated with dilute sulphuric acid. (v) It gives ring test. (vi) It oxidises sulphur to sulphur dioxide.
View SolutionWhat products are formed ? When :
(i)Disodium hydrogen phosphate is added to magnesium sulphate in presence of ammonium chloride and aqueous ammonia.
(ii)A solution containing Zn2+ ions is poured in an aqueous ammonia.
(iii)Bi(NO3)3 solution is mixed with KI and then resulting precipitate is heated with water.
(iv)Disodium hydrogen phosphate is boiled with concentrated HNO3 and ammonium molybdate reagent.
View SolutionWhen an aqueous solution of a colourless mixture of two salts is treated with a drop of chlorine water, the solution becomes brown. Some chloroform is added to the brown solution and the resulting mixture is shaken wel. The chloroform layer becomes violet.
(ii) When chlorine water is again added dropwise to the above mixture, the chloroform layer becomes colourless.
(iii) On being heated with solid K2Cr2O7 and concentrated H2SO4, the solid mixture gives vapours of a dark colour which form a yellow solution with aqueous NaOH. On acidification with acetic acid followed by treatment with lead acetate, the yellow solution gives a yellow precipitate.
(iv) When boiled with an NaOH solution, the mixture gives a gas that produces thick white fumes with HCl vapours and turns nessler's reagent brown. the mixture does not respond to any other test for cations.
(v) The mixture, on being heated, gets completely sublimed.
Q. The brown solutin obtained in (i) is due to:
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