Describe how, crystals of copper sulphate are prepared.

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Step-by-Step Solution for Preparing Crystals of Copper Sulphate:

1. Gather Materials:
- Start by gathering the necessary materials: a beaker, a cup of water, dilute sulfuric acid, copper sulfate powder, and a stirring spoon.

2. Add Water to Beaker:
- Pour one cup of water into the beaker. This will serve as the solvent for dissolving the copper sulfate.

3. Add Dilute Sulfuric Acid:
- Add a few drops of dilute sulfuric acid to the water in the beaker. This step is important as it helps in the dissolution process.

4. Heat the Solution:
- Place the beaker on a heat source and begin to heat the solution. Keep an eye on it until it starts boiling.

5. Add Copper Sulfate Powder:
- Once the solution is boiling, slowly add copper sulfate powder to the beaker. It is important to add it gradually while stirring.

6. Stir the Mixture:
- Use a stirring spoon to continuously stir the mixture. This will help the copper sulfate dissolve completely.

7. Continue Adding Until Saturation:
- Keep adding copper sulfate powder until no more can dissolve in the solution. This indicates that the solution has reached saturation.

8. Filter the Solution:
- After achieving saturation, filter the solution to remove any undissolved copper sulfate powder.

9. Cool the Solution:
- Allow the filtered solution to cool down in the beaker. This is crucial for crystal formation.

10. Leave Undisturbed:
- Leave the beaker undisturbed for several hours. During this time, you will observe the formation of copper sulfate crystals.

11. Observe the Crystals:
- After a few hours, check the beaker. You should see beautiful blue crystals of copper sulfate formed at the bottom.

