In given questions, two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts,
Statements: No remark is wish.
Some wishes are hopes.
Conclusion I. At least some remarks are hopes.
II. All hopes are wishes.
(a) Only conclusion II is true
(b) Both conclusion I and II are true
(c) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
(d) Either conclusion I or II is true
(e) Only conclusion I is true
(c) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
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The world health organization has called for an improved surveillance to combat dengue and says the outbreak can be controlled in two weeks if all necessary steps are taken to stop the mosquitoes from breeding and break the transmission cycle.Dengue is already the most widespread mosquito -borne disease among humans. In the past 15 years , outbreaks in south and southeast asia have been rapidly rising mostly due to falling environmental and public health standrad during unbarization .WHO reports that severe form of the disease such as haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and shock syndrome (DSS) are putting more than 2.5 million people at risk worldwide rach year.Importantly 95% of the DHF cases are among children less than 15 years . Therefore the disease has major impacts on public health and future generation.
If rate of urbanization in South asia is controlled outbreaks of all diseases may be reduced.03:56View SolutionIn given question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. Give answer (a) if only argument I is strong,(b) if only argument II is strong, (c) if either I or II is strong, (d) if neither I nor II is strong and (e) if both I and II are strong.
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Arguments: I Yes. This is the only way to check the ever-increasing population of India.
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03:35View Solutionदिए गए परिपथ में धारा I का मान ज्ञात कीजिये ?
02:43View Solutionदिए गये विघुत परिपथ में तथा के मध्य विभवान्तर की गणना कीजिए ।
06:53View Solutionदिए गये विघुत परिपथ की सहायता से ज्ञात कीजिए
- (i) परिपथ में धारा , तथा
(ii) बिन्दु A तथा B के बीच विभवान्तर ।
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View Solutionएक रेखिक समीकरण दी गई है । दो चरो में एक ऐसी और रेखिक समीकरण लिखिए ताकि प्राप्त युग्म का ज्यामितीय निरूपण जैसा कि:
(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|04:40View Solutionआयनिक ठोसों के लिए जिसमे धनायन तथा ऋणायन प्रबल वैधुतक्षैतिज बल के द्वारा जुड़े होते हैं इनमे से कौन-सा कथन सही नहीं है ?
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E∘Fe3+/Fe2+=0.771V तथा EBr2/Br−=1.09VView Solutionदिया है - Fe3++3e→Fe, E∘=−0.036V
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