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For which of the following processes is ΔS negative?









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To determine for which of the following processes the change in entropy (ΔS) is negative, we need to analyze each option based on the concept of entropy. Entropy (S) is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. A negative change in entropy (ΔS < 0) indicates that the disorder of the system has decreased.

1. Understanding Entropy Change (ΔS):
- ΔS = S_final - S_initial
- If the final state has less disorder than the initial state, ΔS will be negative.

2. Analyzing Option A:
- Reaction: H2 gas → 2H (atoms)
- Here, the number of moles increases from 1 mole of H2 to 2 moles of H.
- Since the number of moles increases, the randomness or disorder increases.
- Therefore, ΔS is positive.

3. Analyzing Option B:
- Reaction: N2 at 1 atm → N2 at 5 atm
- Increasing pressure compresses the gas, reducing its volume.
- A decrease in volume leads to a decrease in randomness or disorder.
- Therefore, ΔS is negative.

4. Analyzing Option C:
- Reaction: 2SO3 → 2SO2 + O2
- The number of moles increases from 2 moles of SO3 to 3 moles (2 moles of SO2 + 1 mole of O2).
- Again, an increase in the number of moles means an increase in disorder.
- Therefore, ΔS is positive.

5. Analyzing Option D:
- Reaction: Carbon (diamond) → Carbon (graphite)
- Diamond has a more ordered structure compared to graphite, which has a hexagonal structure with more free space.
- The transition from diamond to graphite increases the volume and disorder.
- Therefore, ΔS is positive.

6. Conclusion:
- The only process where ΔS is negative is in Option B, where N2 gas is compressed from 1 atm to 5 atm.

Final Answer:
The process for which ΔS is negative is Option B.
