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Conversion of Acetylene into Vinyl acetate

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To convert acetylene (C2H2) into vinyl acetate (C4H6O2), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Mercuration of Acetylene
1. Starting Material: Acetylene (C2H2) is our starting material.
2. Reagents: We will use mercuric sulfate (HgSO4) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) for the reaction.
3. Reaction: Acetylene reacts with mercuric sulfate in the presence of acetic acid. The reaction can be represented as:
This reaction leads to the formation of an intermediate product, which is an enol form of vinyl acetate.

Step 2: Tautomerization
4. Tautomerization: The enol formed undergoes tautomerization to yield the corresponding carbonyl compound (keto form).
Here, the enol form rearranges to form the vinyl acetate.

Step 3: Final Product
5. Final Product: The final product of this reaction is vinyl acetate (C4H6O2), which can be represented as:

Thus, the overall conversion of acetylene to vinyl acetate can be summarized as:
