Define drift velocity and relaxation time, with reference to the free electron theory of conductors.
Step-by-Step Solution
Step 1: Define Drift Velocity
Drift velocity is defined as the average velocity that free electrons acquire due to an applied electric field in a conductor. When a potential difference is applied across a conductor, the free electrons, which are in random motion, experience a net force in the direction of the electric field. This results in a small average velocity of the electrons along the direction of the electric field. The drift velocity is denoted by Vd.
Step 2: Explain the Concept of Drift Velocity
In a conductor, while electrons are constantly moving in random directions, the application of an electric field causes them to drift towards the positive potential. However, during their motion, they frequently collide with lattice ions or other electrons, which disrupts their motion. Despite these collisions, the electrons develop a net average velocity in the direction of the electric field, which is what we refer to as drift velocity.
Step 3: Define Relaxation Time
Relaxation time, denoted by τ, is the average time interval between two successive collisions of an electron with lattice ions or other electrons in the conductor. It represents the time during which an electron moves freely before it is scattered by a collision.
Step 4: Explain the Concept of Relaxation Time
When an electron moves through a conductor, it does not travel indefinitely; it collides with other particles in the lattice structure of the conductor. The relaxation time is crucial because it helps to determine how quickly the electrons can respond to an applied electric field. A longer relaxation time means that electrons can drift more effectively before being scattered, leading to a higher drift velocity.
- Drift Velocity (Vd): The average velocity of free electrons in the direction of the electric field due to an applied potential difference.
- Relaxation Time (τ): The average time between successive collisions of an electron with lattice ions or other electrons.
- Relaxation Time (τ): The average time between successive collisions of an electron with lattice ions or other electrons.
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