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Mention the exact location : Stomach

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Structure of the Stomach: The stomach is described as having a J-shaped structure. This shape is important for its function in digestion.

2. Identifying the Location: The stomach is located in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity. This means that if you were to look at a diagram of the human body, you would find the stomach situated towards the left side, just below the ribcage.

3. Relation to Other Organs: The diaphragm, which is a muscle that separates the thoracic cavity (where the lungs are located) from the abdominal cavity, is positioned at the middle of the thoracic region. The stomach lies below this diaphragm in the abdominal cavity.

4. Divisions of the Stomach: The stomach is divided into four regions:
- Cardiac Region: This is the area where the esophagus connects to the stomach.
- Fundic Region: This is the upper part of the stomach that stores undigested food and gases released from the stomach.
- Body Region: This is the main part of the stomach where most of the digestion occurs.
- Pyloric Region: This is the lower part of the stomach that connects to the small intestine.

5. Final Summary: Therefore, the exact location of the stomach is in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm, and it is divided into four regions: cardiac, fundic, body, and pyloric.
