What is the different type of cells on the basis of nuclear material found inside?

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1. Understanding Cell Types: Cells can be categorized based on the type of nuclear material they contain. The two main types are prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

2. Definition of Prokaryotes:
- Prokaryotes are cells that have a primitive nucleus.
- The term "pro" means primitive, and "karyon" means nucleus.
- In prokaryotic cells, the nucleus is not enclosed by a membrane; it is free-floating within the cytoplasm.
- This type of nucleus is often referred to as a "nucleoid."

3. Characteristics of Prokaryotes:
- Lack of nuclear membrane: The genetic material is not separated from the cytoplasm.
- Absence of histones: Histones are proteins that help in the coiling of DNA; they are not present in prokaryotes.

4. Definition of Eukaryotes:
- Eukaryotes are cells that have a true nucleus.
- The prefix "eu" means true, indicating that their nucleus is well-defined and enclosed by a nuclear membrane.

5. Characteristics of Eukaryotes:
- Presence of a nuclear membrane: The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane known as the nuclear envelope.
- Presence of histones: Eukaryotic cells have histones that help in the organization and coiling of DNA.

6. Examples:
- Prokaryotes include bacteria, cyanobacteria, and archaebacteria, which are classified under the kingdom Monera.
- Eukaryotes include animal cells, plant cells, fungi, and protozoa.

7. Conclusion: The primary difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes lies in the structure of their nuclei and the presence or absence of a nuclear membrane and histones.
