A plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency, shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has improved efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. In which of the following physiological groups would you assign this plant?
Nitrogen bar
The correct Answer is:A
This plant as a C4-plant as these group of plants shows little photorespiration, efficient in binding to CO2 even at low concentrations, better utilisation of water as wel as high rates of photosynthesis even at high temperature, i.e. tropical region. Bisedes, they can also tolerate excess of salts due to presence of organic acids.
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A plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has improved efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. In which of the followubg physiological groups would you assign this plant
View SolutionA plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has improved efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. In which of the followubg physiological groups would you assign this plant
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Knowledge Check
In order to create safe drinking water, cities and towns use water treatment facilities to remove contaminants from surface water and groundwater. Suppose a town has a treatment plant but decides to build a second, more efficient facility. The new treatment plant can filter the water in the reservoir four times as quickly. Working together, the two facilities can filter all the water in the reservoir in 72 hours. The equation above represents the scenario. Which of the following describes what the term 1x represents.AThe portion of the water the older treatment plant can filter in 1 hourBThe time it takes the order treatment plant to filter the water in the reservoirCThe time it takes the order treatment plant to filter 172 of the water in the reservoirDThe portion of the water the new treatment plant can filter in 4 hourAdapted from a 1981 speech to congress, Ronald Reagan states his reasons for a new program for economic recovery. Mr.Speaker , Mr. President, distinguished Members of Congress, honored guests and fellow citizens: Only a month ago I was your guest in this historic building, and i pledged to you my cooperation in doing what is right for tis Nation that we all love so much. I'm here tonight to reaffirm that pledge and to ask that we share in restoring the promise that is offered to every citizen by this, the last, best hope of man on earth. All of us are aware of the punishing inflation which has for the first time in 60 years held to double-digit figures for 2 years in a row. Interest rates have reached absurb levels of more than 20 percent and over 15 percent for those who would borriw to buy a home.All across this land one can see newly built homes standing vacant, unsold because of mortagage interest rates. Almost 8 million Americans are out of work. These are people who want to be productie. But as the months go by, despair dominates their lives. The threat oh layoff lions, and all who work are frustrated by their inability to keep up with inflaction. One worker in a Midwest city put it to me this way: HE said,"I am bringing home more dollars than i ever nelieved i could possibly earn, but i seem to be getting worse off." and he is. Not only have hourly earnings of the American worker, after adjusting for inflation, declined 5 percent over the past 5 years, but in these 5 years, federal personal taxes for the average family have increased 67 percent. We can no longer procrastinate and hope that things will get better. They will not. Unless we act forcefully-and now-the economy will get worse. Can we, who man ship of states, deny it is somewhat out of control? Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago i called such a figure, a trillion dollors, incomprehensible and I've been trying ever since to think of a way to illustate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousands dollrs bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you'd be a millionare. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar-bills 67 miles high. The intrest on the public debt this year we know we will be over $90 billion and unless we change the proposed spending for the fiscal year beginning October 1st, we'll add another almost %80 billion to the debt. Adding to our troubles is a mass of regulations imposed on the shopkeeper, the farmer, the craftman, professionals and major industry that is estimated to add $100 billion to the price of the things we buy and it reduces our ability to produce. The rate of increase in American productivity, once one of the highest in the world, is among the lowest of all major industrial nations. Indeed, it has actually declined in the last 3 years. Now, I've painted a preety grim picture, but I think I've painted it accuurately. It is within our power to change this picture, and we can act with hope. There's nothing wrong with our internal strengths. There has been no breakdown of the human, technology and natural resources upon which the economy is built. This, then, is our proposal-american's new beginning: a program for economic recovery. I don't want it to be simply the plan of my administration. I'm here tonight t ask you to join me in making it our plan. together we can embark on this road.
Q. The overall point of this passage is toApresent scholarly reserchBsurvey popular opinion.Cargue for a call to action.Dpersuade economic thinkers.
A plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has improved efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. In which of the followubg physiological groups would you assign this plant
View SolutionCertain dicarboxylic acids spontaneously eliminate water when heated forming cycioc anhydirides. But for the reaction to be successfully. The cyclic anhydrides product must normally have a ring size of fivee or six members. There are two important reasons, first, the second carboxyl group can serve as the acid catalyst (by intramolecular proton transfer), as well as the nucleophile. And second, the high temperature involved reduce the need for catalyst.
Which of the following dicarboxylic acid would you expect to form cyclic anhydride?
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View SolutionWhen an atom or an ion is missing from its nomal lattice site a lattice vacanecy (Schottky defect) is created. In stoichmeteric ionic crystals, a vacancy of one ion has to be accompanied by the vacancy of the oppositely charge ion in order to maintain electrical neutrality.
In a Frenkel defect an ion leaves its position in the lattice and occupies an interstitial void. This id the Frenkel defect commonly found along with the Schottky defects and interstitial. In pure alkali halides. Frenked defects are not found since the ions cannot get into the interstitial sites. Frenkel defects are found in silver halides because of the small size of the Ag+ ion. Unike Schottky defects, Frenkel defect do not change the density of the solids. in certain ionic solids (e.g., AgBr) both schottky and Frenkel defect occur.
The Defects idiscussed above do not disturb the stoichiometery of the crystalline material. there is large variety of non-stoichiometric inorganic solids which contains an excess or deficienty of one of the elements. Such solids showing deviations from the ideal stoichiometric composition from an important group of solids. For example in the vanadium oxide, VOx,x can be anywehere between 0.6 and 1.3 there are solids such as difficult to prepare in the soichiometric omposition thus, the ideal composition in compounds such as FeO is difficult to obtain (normally we get a compositiion of Fe(0.95)O but it may range from Fe0.93O to Fe0.96O). Non-stoichiometric behavious is most commonly found for transition metal compounds through is also known for some lathanoids and actinoids.
Zinc oxide loses oxygen reversible at high temperature and turns yellow in colour. the excess metal is accomodated interstitial, giving rise to electrons trapped in the neighbourhood, the enchanced electrical conductivity of the non-stoichiometric ZnO arises from these electrons.
Anion vacancies in alkali halides are produced by heating the alkali halid crystals in an atmosphere of the alkali metal vapour. when the metal atoms deposit on the surface they diffuse into the cystal and after ionisation the alkali metal ion occupies cationic vacancy whereas electron occupies anionic vacancy. Electrons trapped i anion vacancies are referred to as F-centers (From Farbe the German word for colouf) that gives rise to interesting colour in alkali halides. Thus, the excess of potassium i KCl makes the crystal appear violet and the excess of lithium in LiCl makes it pink.
Which of the following is most appropritate crystal to show Frenkel defect ?
View SolutionThe following is not relate to C4 plant
Water use efficiency is more
Photorespiration is not detectable
CO2 compensation points is high
The primary acceptor of CO2 is a 3C compound
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What is the total energy (in MJ) needed for Peter's "winter swimming pool" calculated in 1.3 and 1.4? How much natural gas will he need, if the gas heater has an efficiency of 90.0% ?
What are the different costs for the use of either natural gas or electricity ? Use the values given by PUC for your calculations and assume 100% efficiency for the electric heater.
Table 1: Composition of natural gas
Chemical substancemol fraction xD1H∘(KJmol−1)−1S∘(Jmol−1K−1)−1C∘p(Jmol−1K−1)−1CO2(g)0.0024−393.5213.637.1N2(g)0.01340.0191.629.1CH2(g)0.9732−74.6186.335.7C2H3(g)0.0110−84.0229.252.2H2Og−−285.870.075.3H2Og−−241.8188.833.6H2Og−0.0205.229.4
J=E(A.Δt)−1=!!λwall.ΔT.d−1, where
J= energy flow E along a temperature gradient (wall direction Z) par area A and time Δt, d-wall thickness , λwall -heat conductivity , ΔT - difference in temperature between the inside and the outside of the house.
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