The difference between spermiogenesis and spermiation is


In spermiogenesis , spermatozoa from Sertoli cells are released into the cavity of seminiferous tubules , while in spermiation spermatozoa are formed


In spermiogenesis , spermatozoa are formed , while in spermiation spermatids are formed


In spermiogenesis , spermatids are formed while in spermiation spermatids are formed


In spermiogenesis , spermatozoa are formed while in spermiation spermatozoa are released from Sertoli cells into the cavity of seminiferous tubules

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Spermiogenesis is the process of transformation of spermatids (n) into spermatozoa (n ) or sperms. It involves the differentiation phase in which one spermatid develops into one spermatozoan .
Spermiation involves the release of sperms from seminiferous tubules through Sertoli cells.


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