Which one of the following plants shows a very close relationship with a species of moth, where none of the two can complete its life cycle without the other ?









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The correct Answer is:B

Yucca gloriosa has developed an obligation symbiotic relationship with Pronuba yuccasella moth . The moth cannot complete its life cycle with the association of Yucca flowers and in turn Yucca has no other pollinator .
Hydrilla is a hydrophilous plant while Viola is an entomophilous plant . Bananas are usually parthenocarpic fruits . Therefore , they do not require pollination .
Concept Enhancer The female moth visits the Yucca flowers at night and collects pollen in the form of balls. The moth, then insects its ovipositor into ovary of the flower to lay eggs . The temperature of the ovary is suitable for hatching of Pronuba's eggs and works as an incubator. After that , it climbs to the top of the style and pushes the pollen ball into stylar canal . Thus , pollination occurs . Some seeds are eaten by larvae which escape after piercing the ovary wall.


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